Pen Drawing in German (Week 8) – Fantastische Welten

As a fan of dystopias and sci-fi stories, I looked forward to the futuristic projects in the Kuli Kunst book I’m using in this project. Starting on the second day of the week, I was called to use different surfaces to recreate special textures. It brought me back to my childhood when I would put a sheet of paper over a coin, and strike the paper with a pen or a pencil to recreate the surface of the coin. It was pretty much like magic! At the time, it didn’t occur to me that I could use the same technique with many other things.

For the buildings and some of the insects created this week, I used the textures from Tupperware, a set of toothpicks, and the sole of a sneaker, among other things. Finding good objects to create textures turned out to be one of the biggest challenges so far. The extra difficulty here relies upon that, ideally, the surface should be firm and solid (otherwise, the paper can be torn) πŸ™ƒ.

On Day 51 I finished the last surreal design and started working with the textured surfaces. During the first couple days, I practiced on other sheets of paper to make sure that the notebook paper wouldn’t be torn. I also needed to try different textures to see how they looked. I tried to add a good variety, but unfortunately, different objects had similar textures, or they looked alike πŸ˜…. I think this is one of the most powerful techniques I came across in the book so far. It’s a matter of being on the lookout for cool surfaces to add to our drawings.

From Days 52 to 54, I worked on the sci-fi setting. A group of buildings in a futuristic world. For the next couple days I continued working with textured surfaces and fragments of buildings with depth, to convey the idea of three-dimensional objects. On Day 56 I had some exercises on lighting coming from different angles and small objects. The last two days (56 and 57) were dedicated to an abstract journal. A cool and creative format I had never seen 😊.

Week 8 Drawings

Below you can find the daily drawings. Each day, I’m practicing for an hour. Sometimes, I fill one or two pages. But there are days when I work on more detailed stuff, and maybe it’s just half a page πŸ™ƒ. As soon as I reach the one-hour mark, I put the pen down and take the photo of the day. Click on the thumbs to see the larger pictures:

Diary in German + Drawings (Week 8)

That’s all for now! πŸ˜Š